Looking back, looking forward

By | January 19, 2024

When we reopened the club after covid , we were faced with a whole new world. People were no longer in the routine of going out, there was still major concern about catching it and, for a whole host of reasons, it looked as if we might go the same way as many other clubs.. we might not survive.
The committee had to make a lot of difficult decisions. Would we go back to booking guests, would we just be a song club, could we afford the fees for guests.. but we bit the bullet and went ahead. It was do or die and we didn’t want to die …
So, 2 years on we are still here, still booking guests, still having a good turn out, still the renown Bodmin Folk Club.
This last year saw us celebrate our 55th birthday with 5 guests in a row who had all played a big part in those years. We have also booked local, Cornish, guests and are looking at the next generation. Who will take the folk world forward? With some of the amazing young people we have seen around the country at folk festivals we know it is in good hands, but what about down here? Well, we have seen that as well and we are really pleased that we have been able to book some really first class local guests who we know will take the folk world forward.
It’s 2024 and we have a full guest list and looking at booking well in to 2025. I think we are here to stay. Ok on some singers nights there have been occasions when we have been a bit low on numbers because many of our regular singers are also artists in their own right and were away at festivals or other clubs. At Whitby Folk Week last year, at one point, there were 8 people from the club sitting in a row at one session!!! The comment was made that Bodmin was out in force and good singing was assured.
Looking forward we have some tremendous guests and great nights planned. Let’s do it together. We are Bodmin Folk Club and we are here to stay